The Department of policy implementation and Coordination, Office of the Prime Minister continues to undertake several activities to ensure Government policies are implemented and coordinated.
At the end of 2013 in the month of November the following were carried out:
• Held Top Management meeting that discussed the Budget Frame work Paper for Office of the Prime Minister.
• Represented the Permanent Secretary at Teso Policy Committee meeting in Soroti District. The deliberations from the meeting were to inform the planned PRDP review.
• Presided over a community accountability forum (Baraza) in Butaleja district on behalf of the Ministry.
• Convened and facilitated two meetings of the organizing committee for the Annual Nutrition Forum. These meetings were aimed at establishing the status of the preparations for the event and assigning roles to the different stakeholders before the event.
• Convened and facilitated the first NGO Coordination committee meeting. The meeting deliberated on its Terms of Reference and agreed to have a follow up meeting on Wednesday, 4th December 2013.
• Begun the compilation of the PSM-Sector BFP. Submissions were received from KCCA, Public Service Commission, MEACA and Local Government Finance Commission.
• Revised the budget estimates of the planned Joint Public Sector Management Review and forwarded the revised budget to the PSM-Development Partners as a follow up on the recommendations undertaken in the meeting that was held on 22nd November 2013.
• Finalized the procurement process of the consultants for the Joint PSM Review process and the consultation process of the National Coordination Policy.
• Provided more updates to the OPM website in which the meeting that the Prime Minister held with the Nutrition Development Partners was forwarded for positing to the Website.
In the Month of December several additional activities were carried:
• Convened, facilitated and coordinated the first National Nutrition Forum that was hosted by the Prime Minister. This event was held from 2nd to 3rd December, 2013 under the theme: “Re-Affirming commitments towards efforts for scaling up Nutrition in Uganda”
• Continued with the compilation o the Sector Budget Framework Paper. NPA and Ministry of Public Service have not submitted their BFPs for inclusion in the PSM-Sector BFP.
• Held meeting with the consultants that are to guide the consultation of the National Coordination Policy and the technical review process of the joint PSM-Review.
• Compiled proposal for new projects from the PSM-MDAs/these are to be forwarded to Ministry of Finance for consideration.
• Finalized preparations for the Coordination Planning and budgeting TWG meetings that are scheduled for 10th and 12th December 2013.
At the Beginning of the Year 2014, the Department of policy implementation and Coordination added on a number of activities:
• Convened and facilitated a PIRT review meeting on 6th February, 2014 that discuss the progress made in implementing the PIRT phase IV recommendations.
• Made a second submission of the sector BFP on 4th February 2014. The submission incorporated comments from Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development.
• Convened and facilitated a meeting with the Nutrition facilitators from WFP/REACH. This meeting discussed the terms of reference for the facilitators and agreed on a work plan for the calendar year 2014.
• Participated in a development committee meeting in Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development that vetted the new and existing projects under the PSM Sector.
• Engaged with the consultant that is taking lead in the development of the National Coordination Policy.
• Developed job descriptions for the staff proposed under the restructuring report.
• Participated in a strategic planning meeting for the World Bank.