
Maps, Directions, Distances
National boundaries, Regions, cities, localities

Airlines and ticketing
Airlines, flights, flight schedules, entry points

Banks and financial institutions
Find where to get Financial services in the country

Car hire and rentals
Travel fairs, Inland travel types, taxi hire, common routs

Get a Visa
Get help from the nearest Ugandan Embassy or Diplomatic office in your country

Hotels/Safari Lodges
Find a hotel with any region of Uganda

Foods and drinks
Find a place to eat from that matches your taste

Tour and Travel Operators
 Tour and travel companies that will take you around Uganda

Laws and Regulations
Find relevant laws and procedures

People, Culture and religion
Find out how people in Uganda behave, and what they believe in

Home Embassy
Find the location, contacts, and directions to your home embassy in Uganda

Climate and weather
Temperature ranges, seasons, and time zones

Must visit
Mountain Gorillas, Rwenzori mountains, National Parks, Ngamba Island…….

Important Contacts
Immigration offices, Customs,  aviation, Security  

Maps, Directions, Distances
National boundaries, Regions, cities, localities

Airlines and ticketing
Airlines, flights, flight schedules, entry points

Banks and financial institutions
Find where to get Financial services in the country

Car hire and rentals
Travel fairs, Inland travel types, taxi hire, common routs

Get a Visa
Get help from the nearest Ugandan Embassy or Diplomatic office in your country

Hotels/Safari Lodges
Find a hotel with any region of Uganda

Foods and drinks
Find a place to eat from that matches your taste

Tour and Travel Operators
 Tour and travel companies that will take you around Uganda

Laws and Regulations
Find relevant laws and procedures

People, Culture and religion
Find out how people in Uganda behave, and what they believe in

Home Embassy
Find the location, contacts, and directions to your home embassy in Uganda

Climate and weather
Temperature ranges, seasons, and time zones

Must visit
Mountain Gorillas, Rwenzori mountains, National Parks, Ngamba Island…….

Important Contacts
Immigration offices, Customs,  aviation, Security