In the last week of January 2014 Office of the Prime Minister Officials and Communities carried out joint inspections of the water usage technical works under Karamoja Livelihoods Programme (KALIP) with a number of activities:
• KALIP Programme Engineer, Amudat district and Sub County officials, and Water User Committee carried out a joint inspection of the technical works at Kaakadoma valley tank in Amudat Sub County in Amudat District in preparation for its handover to the beneficiaries for use.
• KALIP Programme Engineer monitored progress of construction of Napak District Production office and established that it was at roofing level, while Lokopo police post was at painting level.
• EU approved the tender dossier for the construction of Kangole police post, Moroto Regional Veterinary laboratory and fencing of 7 police posts in Karamoja region.
• The truck Isuzu which was procured by KALIP for excavation of valley tanks in Karamoja was delivered in Kampala from Nairobi while the new bulldozer which has been packed at MWE stores will be transported to Karamoja on 4th January 2014. Next Monday, 3rd February, MWE Engineers will inspect the truck and start the registration of the truck.
• KALIP, MWE and District officials conducted site inspection and site meeting for quality assurance and established that the progress of works at Logomol valley tank in Loregae Sub County in Nakapiripirit district was 94% completed. Excavation of the tank box is complete. Work on bank slanting and cattle ramp construction is in progress as shown below.
Excavator shaping the side slopes while as the bulldozer levels and trims the earth bundat Logomol valley tank in Loregae Sub County in Nakapiripirit district.
View of the completed excavated valley tank.
Dry bonding of stone masonry at the inlet channel.
Erection of the guard rails in progress at Lomogol valley tank site.